Christian Siriano is so fab ferosh!

Watch out Miss J. Alexander, Christian Siriano is stitching it up a notch.

The Birds

Took a walk in the neighborhood yesterday and was very freaked out after passing a flock of birds. The birds seemed to be so startled by us walking by that they all flew to higher ground and lined up on the power lines above. They were all squawking and making strange noises like they were swearing at us in their own little birdy language. It was like walking in a scene of The Birds.


Found this cute site, Nut and Bee, by illustrator Annette Lauder. Her sketches are awesomely adorable. She prints her sketches on magnets, letter sets, notepads, stickers, t-shirts, and wrapping paper. You definitely should check it out!

lovely inspiration

from david stark design