Michel Gondry HP

I didn't know he did an HP commercial. He's always a little strange, that's what makes him so great.

Greg Lamarche

Greg Lamarche is a fantastic collage artist. The block letters remind me of novelty packaging design in the late 60s / early 70s. He has a real eye for color and typography.

mr smile

this is strangely cute, and very weird.

Let's go out to the kitchen and have ourselves a snack!

Found this old milk commercial from the mid 90s on a VHS. Love it!

Cubby Bernstein (hilarious)!

This is viral video at it's best. Great viral promotion to get Xanadu attention, and possibly Tony recognition. Watch episode one, then episode four and five, and of course, Dyllun.

Cubby Bernstein is the best.