Desmond Leung Ink Art

Beautiful watercolor art by Desmond Leung reminds me of my grandfather's gyotaku process
nk ARt Experiment #4 from Desmond Leung 樂森 on Vimeo.

The SCENT from Desmond Leung 樂森 on Vimeo.

via {motionographer}

Mike Rohde's Sketchnote Handbook

Looking forward to Mike Rohde's Sketchnote Handbook coming out in October

Mike Rohde: The Sketchnoter from size43, LLC on Vimeo.
Check out his Pecha Kucha presentation where he discussed his sketchnote philosophy

Jason Santa Maria: Web Typography

Jason Santa Maria discusses the power and meaning of typography and how it applies to screen application.

via {swissmiss}

"The Battery Conservancy’s Americas Design Competition"

by Stephen Doyle