I love Vancouver!

We took a day trip to Vancouver this weekend and as expected...I loved it!

Went to this great dim sum place called Sun Sui Wah...had some delisious steamed buns, chow mein, shrimp tofu things, and those lovely tiny custard tarts!

And the main attraction...a green tea parfait at a little cafe called Chicco dall' Oriente Café (1504 Robson Street). FYI they only take cash! They've got an assortment of parfaits, but because I'm a matcha junkie, i had to try to green tea parfait which consisted green tea ice cream, green tea cake, green tea pudding, whipped cream, mochi balls and adzuki beans. It was very tasty.

Here's the menu (Canadian prices):

Justin stopped to get a Taro bubble tea from this little shop...it had the cutest Hello Kitty plastic tops.

Then we took a walk around Stanley Park. Saw some totem poles. Took at panarama by the water.

We drove by this sign on the drive back. It was hilarious at the time. Not so haha funny now. Eh.

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