Beyonce, you are so replaceable

I was looking for this video a couple weeks ago, cos i saw it posted by Best be watching out Beyonce!This kid is great! He can surely pop it! It makes mr. bear want to have a dance off...cos mr. b can work it harder...cos he's got costume and props. Get yourself a wig and some fierce heels boy,

Seven Minute Sopranos

This is great, whether or not you've ever watched the Sopranos.

Angry Little cynically cute!

You've got to check out this comic called Angry Little Girls. They've got bags and t-shirts too. This one is my favorite...

Kermit's been watching too much Ewan McGregor movies hasn't he!

This is sacreligious to have Kermit doing these things...but I guess after the popularity of Avenue gotta do anything to get attention these days as a puppet.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer meets Rocky Horror

So I guess once a month Buffy fans get together at the IFC theater in the village to re-enact the episode of Buffy ("Once more with feeling") where everyone in Sunnydale was infected by this mysterious force which made them express their true feelings through song and dance. Buffy Rocky Horror Picture style sounded so fact I was planning on going for a hot second...but then I watched this video and was totally disappointed! I don't want to sit around with all the thespians from highschool who put effort into pretending to be their favorite Buffy character. Plus...if I have to watch a Buffy imitation, I want to see good looking versions of Spike, Buffy, Xander, Anya, Tara, Dawn, Willow and Giles.

Aaron LaCrate is hilarious!

This video for Aaron LaCrate's remix of "Smile" directed by Aaron LaCrate is fabulous and hilarious!

And to that pretentious hipster standing next to me tryin' to get into his lady friend's pants at the Lily Allen show in NYC a few months ago, Aaron is not a british dj, he's from Baltimore ...but obviously you said he had that british dj sound because you needed to say something that would impress the girl.

I don't like i'm burning your leather pants!

Scott Weiland's wife, Mary, burned Scott's clothes ($10,000 worth) on Saturday...that was after they got kicked out of the Graciela Hotel for trashing it. Kudos Mary, for reminding us to go listen to Blu Cantrell's "hit 'em up style (oops!)" You probably should have just had a yard sale with scott's clothes the next morning or auctioned it off on ebay to crazy Weiland fans, you could have easily tripled your money.

Or maybe he's doing drugs again. But don't subject the kids to that stuff (which you did, twice)'s traumatizing. I don't even know why you married Scott in the first place...especially after his Barbarella days, I would have said "hell no!" to marriage. Once a man has frosted a small section of his hair...he is so unworthy.

Yes, another wishlist

So I must curve my shopping urge for a while til we move...but a girl can look, can't she? These I think are a few of my current obsessions.

Canvas Rattan-Handle Bag in Black, $19.50,

Pick-A-Dilly Satchel (black), $288,

Helen Welsh Crinkle Patent Leather Satchel, black, white or red, i'll take them all, $198.00,

Leatherock Renaissance Motif Clutch, black (I hate the chain strap, but I am totally in love with the crown, and if I had $198 to spend on a bag, i'd do it in a heartbeat!), $198.00,

Hilary Radley Single Breasted Trench, black, $260.00

"I Want Candy" with Gareth Keenan sprinkles

A new movie, "I Want Candy," (looks like rubbish) hits theaters in the UK this week. Mel C(aka Sporty Spice) sang the theme's not as good as the bow wow wow's version, not as bad as Aaron Carter's version, but, eh, anything to make a buck these days, huh, Sporty?

They say this is the British-esque American Pie...if Carmen Electra has to do British movies, she's desperate for money.

Judging by the video clips online I think Mackenzie Crook (aka Gareth from "The Office") saves the movie as the pretentious art teacher with witty lines like...
Mr. Dulberg: "In the words of Vanilla Ice... stop, collaborate and listen."

Mr. Dulberg: "What's that Mr. D? Short films? Two minutes? No sweat! Easy! Wrong, sailor, incorrect."

Couldn't post the video itself, but go to, click on videos, then click on "we will be making a short film" and click play. It's hilarious!

Mr. Numnum is such a biter!

This random person named mr. numnum wants to friend me on myspace...What the hell kind of name is Mr. Numnum? I was appalled how they flat out copied my photo(below) of mr. bear chillin' with gwen and a harajuku girl(which I took and first posted in January)!

This kind of imitation does not feel like flattery to me at all, and it's down right insulting! Mr. Nums is obviously new to myspace cos yesterday "he" had only fours friends, and wanted to befriend me, randomly, probably because "he" saw me post a comment on mika's myspace page a few days ago, saw my picture, copied it, and then had the audacity to want to friend me without complimenting on mr. b's picture. Plus the sock monkey is generic. Anyone and everyone can get a sock monkey like that! Mr. b on the other hand has personality and sass. I'm temped to reply "who the hell do you think you are." But I rather just continue to be insulted.

Uncle Eddie's on the Black Donnellys next week!

If you haven't started watching "the Black Donnellys" on NBC, you better start by watching past full episodes on It's crazy good. And on next weeks episode, they finally fulfill one of the requirements for a tv show about the NYC irish, they've got Kevin Corrigan (aka Uncle Eddie from "Grounded for Life," another wonderful tv show about nyc irish) playing a bookie named Whitey. This the equivilant of having Mackenzie Crook (aka Gareth from "the Office") guest star on some new brit tv show. This is going to be frickin' awesome!

Can't run away from Mika

As if you've had enough Mika for the week, the video for "Love Today" has released and was once again made by Sophie Muller. So of course it has that adorable little girl in the yellow dress from the "Grace Kelly" video. If I could be young again, I'd choose to be that girl, just so I could wear a yellow dress and dance with Mika. Enjoy.

Suddenly I crave a bento box...

The Japanese know how to make food fun. Man, I wish they had cheap bento boxes in NYC.
Check out more at this blog.

"Mika, we don't like you... we love you!

I was hesitant to jump on the Mika band wagon at first...but after seeing this video by one of our fav directors, Sophie Muller, "Grace Kelly" is on permanent repeat 24/7. We want to be your Grace Kelly, Mika, or at least your Grace to our Will. I said it once, and I'll say it again, flamboyant men make the world go round. Mika, you're brilliantly lovely.

PETA...your scare tactics are so passé !

I used to be an obsessive, crazy vegan who didn't eat (or wear) any animals or animal products, and once I believed PETA's graphic tactics were anything but insane, they were rather necessary to wake people up from mindlessly eating meat. But now I think PETA is psychoticly using their unproductive scare tatics to get people to stop eating meat. Their new ad with Casey Affleck has been banned on several tv channels(that only place to see it is at .

Note to PETA: find new creative staff. Number one tool of the media industry, sex use it to your advantage! Impressionable teens would then be curious about vegetarianism if you had Casey Affleck sitting by the pool with his shirt off, drinking an organic fruit smoothie, doing push-ups, saying the dialogue you intended...(Casey Affleck:) “When people ask me why I don’t eat meat or any other animal products, I say, ‘Because they’re unhealthy, and they’re the product of a violent and inhumane industry.’” That would obviously get air time on MTV, VH1, The-N, Comedy Central, and all the stations popular for people ages 13-35. That sells vegetarianism! And get a celebrity for each demographic...and you've got thousand more young vegetarians converting over to the vegside everyday.

(I was going to post the you could watch it and hate PETA for scaring you...but eh, why should I give PETA free promotion.)

PETA, get to do something nice happy and creative for you...just stop scaring doesn't help.

Amy Winehouse, we'll give her a quick second

I'm anything but a fan of Miss Winehouse...especially cos she likes to dis Lily Allen. But this "Back to Black" concept is something I can really understand. Kudos Amy for making a nice song and video...but I strongly suggest staying away from the powder and the all nite boozing during your will not help. And get over your cat lady look, it's hideous!

Graham Coxon, we love your negativity!

I never watched the commentary by Graham Coxon for "The Universal" on the Jonathan Glazer comp DVD. He says he hates music videos because he doesn't think music needs it, it's a waste up time for him, and he doesn't believe in visual interpretation cos that's not what music's about. Oh Graham, you are old fashioned, but funny.

Anyways, in tribute to Coxon's negativity, I share with you a spoof of Blur on Rock Profile, by David Walliams and Matt Lucas. David mimics Graham quite well ("I've got CSEs!"). And kudos for Matt Lucas and my favourite Damon Albarn line, "And sometimes I say 'Ricky!'" (And speaking of Damon Albarn...who else thinks he's not aging hit your peak at 30 and that's a shame!)

GYM CLASS HEROES: Travie's Dating Tips

I discovered them first this summer, thought they were pretty cool, but didn't get Lily Allen-esque obsessed (obviously cos I spent all my energy obsessing over Lily which p.s. if you haven't seen Lily live yet and you live in nyc go buy your tickets for her April 11 show at irving plaza show...i am deliberately not going so you can see her). Anyway, Gym Class Heroes...fabulously hilariously clever! I wish I could make a music video for them. And I owe it all to Mr. C for putting Travie's Dating Tips video on his myspace page.

I hate you New York!

The day has finally come. My tipping point. Today I hate NYC so much, I'd leave right now if I could. Swear on Mr. B I would. I had a long night...two and a half hours staring at rapidly moving stars...I was so hungry and bored i stopped listening for the last half hour and realized... I'm more than ready to leave NYC for good...ASAP! I'm so sick of pretentious, bitterly rude, mean, loud crazies! I'm so sick of people never being on time and not caring about being late, ever! I so sick of ungenuine kindness and lack of kindness or humanity whatsoever! If pretended like I had no responsibilities (like some people do here), I'd speed out of here tomorrow at 85 mph, never looking back.

I found the best cupcakes in seattle!

So if you want cupcakes that kick Magnolia's (in NYC) ass...go to Cupcake Royale...i had the triple threat chocolate cupcake, it was like heaven, especially when I was on chocolate withdrawl after days with any chocolate. The chai tea was nothing to write home about, and neither was the hot chocolate. Just stick with the cupcakes kids.

You got to get to llama school!

I saw a llama farm while in seattle last week...I wish I had my camera with time llamas, watch out! So of course I had to post this Sifl & Olly classic song...

sifl & olly - llama school

It's the hotter, thinner, Black Irish version of the Sopranos

If you haven't watched this new show, "The Black Donnellys" on NBC you gotta watch the pilot episode online, now! It's like the Sopranos...with hotter, thinner Black Irish. Yea-ah! No, they don't have an Uncle Paulie, but they've got a Joey "Ice Cream." The ending will surprise you and make you want to watch more. FYI to Paul Caulderon (I used to work with him) fans, he has a small role as a detective questioning Joey "Ice Cream"...but the weird thing is his voice sounds dubbed. Now why would they do that?

This is how I feel everyday working with actionscript