"I Want Candy" with Gareth Keenan sprinkles

A new movie, "I Want Candy," (looks like rubbish) hits theaters in the UK this week. Mel C(aka Sporty Spice) sang the theme tune...it's not as good as the bow wow wow's version, not as bad as Aaron Carter's version, but, eh, anything to make a buck these days, huh, Sporty?

They say this is the British-esque American Pie...if Carmen Electra has to do British movies, she's desperate for money.

Judging by the video clips online I think Mackenzie Crook (aka Gareth from "The Office") saves the movie as the pretentious art teacher with witty lines like...
Mr. Dulberg: "In the words of Vanilla Ice... stop, collaborate and listen."

Mr. Dulberg: "What's that Mr. D? Short films? Two minutes? No sweat! Easy! Wrong, sailor, incorrect."

Couldn't post the video itself, but go to iwantcandymovie.com, click on videos, then click on "we will be making a short film" and click play. It's hilarious!

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