This is what we reward our kids for!

So last week there was a text message competition...and this teenager was crowned LG National Texting champion and won $25000 because she typed Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" (yes, that's Mary Poppins) in 15 seconds. What next... college prep classes about writing in text message short hand?

And then there's this kid, Ryan Fitzgerald, in who posted a video on youtube where he gave out his phone number and has been talking to over 3,420 random people for over 36 hours. He says there's some reasoning and a moral behind what he's doing, doing for the people who need someone to talk to...kid, that's what help hot lines are for. Why hasn't this boy's parents taken away his cell phone? I know how much minutes cost beyond plan minutes, and they certainly are not cheap. Either this kid a) wants his easy 15 minutes of fame, b) wants to met Paris Hilton, Britney Spears or some other busty celebrity, or c) he has a lot of time and money to waste. If he doesn't go to school or doesn't have a job, his parents should have an intervention with him and tell him to get a life.

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