If you live in New York...

You've got to check out this NYC Park(ing) Day on September 21...people are turning public spaces into mini parks...how cool is that?!

And how ironic, speaking of Sept. 21, that is Yom Kippur...which means Gramercy Park will be open for like an hour to the public! Stalk the park out like a crazed teen would stalk Zac Efron at his hotel. Although thought as a myth, Gramercy Park was open last year...and I took a few great panoramas. If you haven't visited my lovehateNYC site, do check it out, there's a Gramercy Park time lapse panorama. I went to the park around 11:00ish-2:00ish last year and the gates opened mysteriously around 2:00, but only for a short while, so keep checking til they open up and enjoy the beautifulness that is Gramercy Park.

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