Never offend a New Yorker

The Seattlest has offended me again as a New Yorker with a write up about some insensitive guy's "9/11 Never Forget Eat Off"...maybe it's just that non-New Yorkers think us New yorkers have tough bull dog skin and don't have feelings, but we do, and we're very passionate about our feelings, especially when it comes to 9/11. I was appalled and shocked that someone had at audacity to call a retard frat boyish event like a french fry eating contest (held at Red Robin, with heinous rules like eating your own vomit and relieving yourself at the table) a 9/11 commemoration...but then again this Bicycle Hobo Gang leader, Michael, is a blogger who got fired from his job for looking at porn at work...I guess that says a lot.

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