Everyday I hear about some nutty perv doing horrific things in this city and it's making me scared, more so for my friends. Yesterday some man attacked a 23 year old woman as she was entering her apartment on the Upper East Side (not the Park Ave UES...rather the more affordable, closer to York Ave, side). Her and her roommate's screaming scared the guy away.
I think everyone should carry around mace and have it in your hand at least 4 blocks away from your apartment. And a whistle (if you don't think you'll be able to scream loud enough). And know to scream out "FIRE" or "FREE BEER" if someone ever attacks you...because everyone's attention will be grabbed with those words over "AHHH," "NOOO" or "HELP!"
And then the other day some skeevy naked man attacked a 16 year old girl in a Macy's dressing room in Herald Square! The girl was trying on some clothes in the dressing room and some guy ripped open the door and grabbed her. They caught the sketchy guy in another room putting his clothes back on and smoking a cigarette. Geez, this is why I prefer shopping online.
I suggest every female living in NYC buy at least one of these ...
Mini Stun Gun--$44.06 (defendingwomen.com)It's the size of a cell phone... very Veronica Mars...if some crazie is following you or attacks you...then he's asking for a high voltage shock
Screecher Aerosol Alarm--$9.95 (safety-n-protection.com)...it shoots out mace and emits a ear piercing sound that is easily recognized as an emergency call for help.
Door stop Alarm--$15.00 (safety-n-protection.com)
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