You've got to see "On the Road with Judas"!

Saw this awesomely phemnomenal film called "On the road with Judas" by JJ Lask at the Seattle International Film Festival. Brillant! I loved all the characters, Judas, Francis, JJ, Rubin. The the non-linear narrative structure was refreshing to see; finally another film that doesn't spoon feed you, and encourages you to watch it another time to pick up on the little things that you missed.

To give you a taste of the wonderful confusion that's a movie within the movie about a book, that may more not be true.

It's got Aaron Rull (the guy that played Kip from Napoleon Dynamite). His portrayl of Judas is so unexpectedly powerful! And Kevin Corrigan as JJ, is as usual, hilariously great!

And it was situated and filmed in NYC. That makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. I miss you oh so much New York. It was good to be able to recognize streets and locations within the film. It even had an exterior shot of Yaffa (cafe).

We stuck around for JJ Lask to do a Q&A with the remaining audience members. He said he didn't go to film school, didn't even finish highschool...but he's been an editor for 12 years and this was his first film he directed...quite impressive. He said he's known Kevin Corrigan for 10 that means he's in the know with some I guess that makes up for no formal training.

If you're in the NYC area you have to get tickets and go see "On the Road with Judas" at BAM June 7th, 8th, and or 9th. And tell all your friends to go with you. I want this film to do so well so I can get it on DVD!

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