Green tea parfait here I come!

I have not heard of bingoo til now, but I am craving and loving it (dispite never eating it). Browsing the foodie blogs today...I came across some blog saying that Trader Joe's now has green tea yogurt--I will have to make a trip to TJ's soon.

Then I discovered greengelato's blog, someone obsessed with all things matcha (which I love!)...and I saw this picture of this Korean dessert called bingoo...this type specifically being green tea flavored with matcha pudding, matcha ice cream, rice cake, adzuki beans (bleh!I'll eat around this).

The place to get it: Chicco dall Oriente Cafe, 1504 Robson Street, Vancouver, BC. That is a must do on a trip to Vancouver. I'm starting to like living on the west coast now...mainly because of the food.

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