New Gwen Stefani Dolls...$100 each!

So I got an announcement from the Gwen Stefani fans newsletter saying that there is a Series II of the Gwen Stefani dolls being released in the fall. There's going to be a sneak preview at the San Diego Comic Convention next week...they're only making 150 of these dolls so it's first come, first serve. You can pre-order with the toy company, Huckleberry Toys. But who the hell wants to pay $100 for a doll that's worth 80 cents to make? It better come with a tiny Kingston and life-like, anatomically correct Gavin Rossdale doll too.

You know these dolls are going to be selling on in the fall. I'm not that Gwen obsessed nor do I have a need to parade a new Gwen doll around this summer. But then again, crazy comic book collectors have nothing better to do with their money. I just hope they don't get her dirty.

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