So Gwen Stefani's Love Angel Music Baby dolls are coming...pre-order them from target or now or else crazies like me are going to snatch them up like tickle me elmos.
Also watched two must rent netflix films this week.
1. Elephant/Firm by Alan Clarke (who also directed Scum...which is another essential brit tv drama classic). Clarke's Elephant inspired Gus Van Sant's Elephant, in so many ways...dare I even say the long take, observational technique that made Last Days fabulous. Much admiration must be given to Alan Clarke. Another side note, Danny Boyle produced Clarke's Elephant, and there's some great commentary on this dvd given by Boyle. Plus a concept to think about...It's like an elephant in your living room.
2. Palindromes was great. A little strange and bizzare at first, but you get used to the character changes. The Sunshines are hilarious.
And major P.S. it's Gavin Rossdale's 39th birthday today, so have some birthday cake or stick toffee pudding in his honor. (Still looking pretty good for near 40. Can you believe it's been 10-11 years since Sixteen Stone and Tragic Kingdom came out, damn. Gwen Stefani should really go back to No Doubt and stop messing around with her experiments, because she's prone to Fergie and Furtado syndrome (mature ladies tryin' to be skankalicious is not hot))
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