i like to eavesdrop, but I don't like to eavesdrop on "where is this relationship going?"

I was riding the train this morning, late enough in the morning where it was not crowded and you could somewhat hear other people's conversations. And once again I was shocked to hear another inappropriate conversation taking place in a public place...so here's the gist of the situation...man and woman, man (from out of town) must have been visiting his girlfriend, and he had to go home today, she starts talking about I need to know where this relationship is going...blah, blah, blah, we need to talk about this, blah blah blah, something/what about marriage...we'd stay close to some city...blah blah blah. This guy did not seem to be in the same boat as this girl, but at least he was keeping his voice down (cos I couldn't make out what he said).

I was sitting across from them, and with the body language alone you could tell this woman was three steps back from borderline crying, with a couple pinches of baby sadness. The guy sitting next to them had the best seat in the house for this conversation. I should have asked him "what's the full gossip?" I'm just shocked as to what people talk about in close proximity with strangers, strangers whom you know are eavesdropping. Conversations like that are embarrassing and uncomfortable for all of us! Save it for home, a coffee shop, or a loud bar.


nic said...

if you thought the guy beside them had the best seats in the house, then why do you pretend to not be interested in other people's 'where is this relationship going' business when you obviously are? if not that, then what other conversations do you enjoy listening to?

Anonymous said...

obviously he's missing the point