He's finally not the only gay in the village

Matt Lucas got married last week in London and he threw a cool pantomime themed reception... how I wish I were friends with Lucas, so I could have dressed up as little Snow White and chatted it up with David Tennant, who apparently dressed up as Buttons (from Cinderella) or at least asked Courtney how she makes a mean pot roast. And since when was Courtney friends with Matt Lucas?

Gwen Stefani says what!?!

TMZ.com reports that Stefani was acting like a complete diva at the taping of her performance for MTV's New Year's Eve show. That is hard to believe cos she's always been a sweetheart! They say Gwen was totally ignoring her screaming fans and making a "cut it out" motions (maybe she was channeling Dave Coulier's humor), and even stopped a take of "Wind it Up" because fans were noisy. Either this TMZ source really hates Stefani that he/she would exaggerate the facts...or maybe Gwen should really throw in the towel and be a full time mommy. After all, if there is no No Doubt reunion after Sweet Escape, I'm not really interested in your career Miss Gwen!) But what does she have to lose, she'll be stylish for years to come, so that automatically guarantees her fame... stop worrying that people will forget about you if you don't put out another record Gwen. We all still love Gavin and he hasn't really done much...except continue looking handsome as ever.

quincy toys = BAD

I don't like to rant about my hates...but Quincy toys has rubbed me the bad way. I ordered some Christmas items for the kiddies, and after two weeks, I have still not received a notification of extended delay. This is very irresponsible not to notify your customers that your shipment will be delay for 15+ days, especially when Christmas is so close and people are bound to be traveling early. I STRONGLY ADVISE AGAINST ordering from QUINCY TOYS. Unless you like to make cute innocent little children cry their eyes out, don't order from Quincy!

Lil Chris...a lil creepy

So this kid is like 16 (but looks 12), and I guess he went through Gene Simmon's Rock School bootcamp reality show in the UK. And now he has a solo album. His singing doesn't seem to match his image...it's like imagining Tom Delounge sing like Micheal Jackson, singing country. Apparently he did a cover of Sexyback on the Jo Whiley Live Lounge, which I'd like to hear. (Side tangent, Keane's cover of U2's "With or without you" and Lily Allen's cover of the Kaiser Chiefs' "Oh My God", David Gray's cover of the Killers "Smile like you mean it" And Razorlight's cover of "Hey Ya" on Jo Whiley is fu-amazing).

But kudos to Chris for getting permission from his parents to get plugs. I wish I had those kind of parents in highschool. And apparently he's very funny in a immature teenager way...look at his holiday drawings

Lily Allen cover of Kook's "Naive"

You need to listen to Lily Allen's acoustic cover of "Naive" here. Brilliant! I gotta admit, despite her let down of a show in NYC, the girl can siiiing! And if you live in Seattle, show her some love by seeing her at her secret show tonight!

What is up with ER!

I used to love watching ER...but I usually don't watch it anymore because it's on at 10pm, and that's my bedtime. Anyways, I taped the show last week because it looked interesting. John Stamos joining the cast of ER is like having Andy Dick joining the cast of 7th Heaven. Why does Stamos look too thin and like his nose has gotten bigger? He totally looks like his Stavros character (the sleezy Greek cousin) from Full House. Creepy.

But I love that Busy Phillips is on the show now. It's like a Freaks and Geeks reunion with Linda Cardellini. Now if you throw in Dave Foley to play a visiting doctor that ruins Abby/Kovac's relationship you could have a NewsRadio reunion. And while you're at it, throw in an Olsen or two as a drug addict looking for a quick fix, and you've got a Full House reunion. Oh and then there's Kip Pardue. Is ER just about adding cute faces into the mix and making all the characters swap partners. It's like Dawson's Creek, hospital style. Speaking of Dawson's Creek...if Michelle Williams joins the cast there could be a Freaks and Geeks, Dawson's Creek, Imaginary Heros, and Brokeback Mountain reunion overlap. Sweet! She can hook up with Pratt.

Los Abandoned and Gnome

Two things you need to check out. First is this free short film download from itunes. Go to the movie section of the itunes store. In "catergories" select "short films." Then select "Glamour Reel Moments," and download for free the "Gnome" short. It's got Lauren Graham from the Gilmore Girls in it. It was a very cool short. Might I also add it was made by a woman. Woohoo.

Secondly, thanks to Perezers, Los Abandoned is a new favorite band. The band is fronted by the lovely Lady P, who is finally a killer, kick ass, rock, female lead singer breath of fresh air since old skool 1992 Gwen Stefani. And the band's got latin roots. Check it out, and if you ever get a pin of theirs at a show, you better give it to me.

Gideon Yago circa 2001

As promised here's a vintage picture of Gideon Yago smoking a cigarette outside Irving Plaza. It was at the No Doubt benefit show for 9/11. He's standing next to Blurry McBlur.

Finland's sexiest man breaks up via text message

Prime Minister Matti Vanhanen is apparently Finland's sexiest man, (maybe there are that many good looking men in Finland), but then again Vanhanen has been dubbed as Finland's sexiest man by French President Jacques Chirac. Since when are we trusting Chriac's "who's hot or not" judgement?

Don't know what CNN was thinking when they selected the picture of Vanhanen (below) for this article, but his crooked glasses make him seem even more "white and nerdy" (thanks Weird Al).

Anyways, last week Vanhanen broke up with his girlfriend, whom he met on the internet, via text message. He texted "that's it!" I guess he took lead from Britney Spears.

All I want for christmas is a... gas mask

Was browsing flickr for images for a project and came across this gas mask image. Reminded me of the Sigur Ros music video directed by Floria Sigismondi, as well as the film Dead Man's Shoes, and a short film called Chicken Bomb on a RES DVD. Who ever gets me a gas mask (the rubber kind that fits over the whole head...like in this picture) for christmas...will get to come with me to the MTV VMAs (that is in a couple years when I make that killer video).

i wish i had a puppy

I wish I could trade her for Aunt Jackie!

I wish my aunt was like aunt Jackie from Roseanne. Even when Aunt Jackie started acting like a looney tune when the family won the lottery...that is nothing compared to my real aunt. I'd take Aunt Jackie any day!

best christmas card ever

This is the funniest christmas card I've seen in a long time. P.S. you can get these cards at urbanoutfitters.com

Superficial Friends

Superficial Friends...with Lindsey, Paris, Nicole and the Olsen twins, this is so hilarious. But what happened to Tara Reid? Check out the cartoons here.

mr. bear says "shut yo' yap!"

here's a little doodle I did of mr. bear. I did it in the library the other day because too many people were using the library for chit-chat, instead of studying. Once again I must say, I don't study in your apartment, so please don't talk in my library!

the public library smells...and insanity ensues at the UCLA library

Why does the public library smell? Especially in New York City! Geez, I thought the the public library back home had a funny stench, but I was wrong! Nasty! And so many "normal" looking people smell too, people you see with nice looking clothes and belongings--just because someone has "money" does not mean he/she bathes or practices proper hygiene. But then again I guess we could have deduced that just by looking at Britney Spears (during the K-Fed days).

Speaking of horrendous hygiene... I saw a dude taking a piss, in broad daylight, on 21st street. He was standing at an angle in front of a parked van. Thank god I was walking east and I was only subjected to the backview. I feel bad for any innocent old ladies walking west down that street because they would be forced into seeing a frontal view of this guy peeing. He was taking a piss on the right tire of this van. Very rude, if that wasn't his van! This was insane!

Though not as insane as the time a woman on the A train pulled her pants down, while the train was in motion, and took a piss in the subway car (all while singing loudly some R&B song, off tune). Of course everyone was shocked. At least some considerate dude warned others to "watch out!" for the trickling pee. Only in NYC I guess.

Oh, speaking of library's, that UCLA controversy over the tased student is just insane! Since when were campus security allowed to have and use tasers? What the hell do they need tasers for? This is so racial discrimination and profiling! Can we sing "everyone's a little/too much racist?!" The video shot by one kid is not award winning, but thank god for camera phones; makes me want to get a pure digital point and shoot camera now and just keep it on me at all times. If you haven't seen the video check it out here and a little write up here. Yes there is sound. Yes it is disturbing! Esp. when the officers make threats towards other students that if they don't back off, they too will be tased! Do these campus police officers have any human decency? I mean the guy was not 300 lbs. They could have easily picked him up from his arms and legs, or even dragged him out! But obviously the adrenaline gets to any security officer, especially at moments like these, and all common sense just jumps out the window. These officers should learn to keep it together. Very unprofessional! Note at the end of the video, the Asian officer with the Lance Armstrong yellow bracelet--I just thought that was a random photographic unconsciousness to point out.

Foo Fighters all acoustic is hot!

If you've been in a cave or too busy keeping up with Borat, Britney, or Madonna gossip...the Foo Fighters released a new cd called "Skin and Bones" which basically is an acoustic show (not just acoustic guitars, it's like mini orchestra orgasmic good, esp. in Everlong) of some of their classic songs and new songs. Plus Pat Smear came out of the blue to play with them, that is kick ass!

Well those of you cheap-os who don't like paying for music these days...you can preview the whole cd (or a big chunk of it) on clearchannelmusic.com. Check it here. Personally I'd buy it in like a month from now cos the audio files online here are beyond compressed, like a size 7 woman trying to squeeze into a size 2. Plus how can you not swoon over all the songs from "the Colour and the Shape" (those were highschool classics! If i had a timemachine and microwave popcorn, i'd travel back in time and watch my life like a movie.) Plus check out the acoustic "Big Me"...it'd like to see that acoustic show on video, just to see Pat Smear rockin out.

snoring in the library and sugardaddies.com

So I was in the library today, and among the annoying and disturbing noises I heard today (construction from outside, students whispering, some dude's music blaring from his headphones) I heard someone snoring really, really loud. Like grandpa snoring loud! Save it for the dorms kids, don't sleep in the library. I don't study in your apartment, so please don't sleep in my library.

I heard about this through Dr. Phil...sugardaddie.com. I thought it was fake, but apparently rich people have sunk to a creepy new low.

2nd to funniest email i've gotten in my entire life!

I got this mass email yesterday from one of my department advisors at school...I also overheard the issue being discussed in the office yesterday. I never thought it's that hard to remember to close the door, but then again men have no shame, and no manners.

Please close the door to the Men's Restroom on the 10th floor upon entering AND leaving.

Female students have brought rightful complaints to the attention of the MFACA Staff
regarding the door being left open and being unexpectedly exposed to male students using
the restroom. This is not acceptable.

So please be thoughtful and close the door as the poster on the back of the Men's room
door plainly states.

Thank you male MFACA students for your consideration and cooperation.

I'd like to see what the sign says, because apparently there is a picture of a screaming woman on it too (I wonder if it's a stick figure or a real photo).

I'd like to see Paris Hilton get a masters degree!

This has been bothering me lately. I'm working my ass of on my thesis this year, and what has Paris Hilton done? Drunk driven and made out with Travis from Blink-182. And what has Britney done? Popped out another tater-tot and wasted her time supporting her talentless husband (though she said she wanted to go to college in late 2004, I don't think she was studying for exams these past two years). I know drunk driving and popping out kids is real hard work, sometimes I think that it 's even more demanding than a Masters degree. Yet, I'd like too see some of these {fill in your own adjective} blondes get a college degree or two.

I mean it's bad enough young teens look up to these women as "role models" (only in the physical sense) but they should set an example by even attempting to encourage higher education. Many actresses and actors find time from their busy schedule to get a degree, Rivers (Weezer) went back to get his degree from Havard. Come on, if the Olsen twins can go to college, anyone can! Think how much more of a commodity they would be if they got a simple bachelors degree. Just imagine...Britney Spears with a BA in theater...she could do another movie again without getting booed, Paris Hilton with a BA in practically anything would make her less {fill in your own blank}. Maybe that might decrease the likelihood of kids working for Walmart straight out of highschool.

gavin cut his hair!

I don't think I've ever seen Gavin Rossdale with short hair before. I suppose there's a first for everything...

i like to eavesdrop, but I don't like to eavesdrop on "where is this relationship going?"

I was riding the train this morning, late enough in the morning where it was not crowded and you could somewhat hear other people's conversations. And once again I was shocked to hear another inappropriate conversation taking place in a public place...so here's the gist of the situation...man and woman, man (from out of town) must have been visiting his girlfriend, and he had to go home today, she starts talking about I need to know where this relationship is going...blah, blah, blah, we need to talk about this, blah blah blah, something/what about marriage...we'd stay close to some city...blah blah blah. This guy did not seem to be in the same boat as this girl, but at least he was keeping his voice down (cos I couldn't make out what he said).

I was sitting across from them, and with the body language alone you could tell this woman was three steps back from borderline crying, with a couple pinches of baby sadness. The guy sitting next to them had the best seat in the house for this conversation. I should have asked him "what's the full gossip?" I'm just shocked as to what people talk about in close proximity with strangers, strangers whom you know are eavesdropping. Conversations like that are embarrassing and uncomfortable for all of us! Save it for home, a coffee shop, or a loud bar.

Pinkberry in NYC

so I tried Pinkberry (the west coast's "tasti-d") yesterday. It's in Koreatown on 32nd St between 5th and 6th ave...mush closer to 5th ave. Anyways they only have two flavors, original (don't know if that's vanilla, or some fruity flavor that looks white) and green tea. I am a green tea fanatic, so i tried green tea with mochi balls.

First of all the small is a lot bigger than a tasti-d small...so hence it's like $3.75 with no toppings. The mochi balls are not out in the open, so unless you're in the "pinkberry know" you have to ask for it as "rice cake" or something...cos i guess no one knows it's called mochi (well at least in japanese, don't know what it is in chinese or korean). Anyways with mochi balls it came out to $5.26.

The green tea (soft serve) was not sweet like typical green tea ice cream, nor was the tea flavor as strong. It also had this unusual citrus flavor. I think I'll stick to tasti-d or (jamba juice's green tea smoothie)...cos i like the creaminess, and I can get mochi in chinatown. If you like fruit toppings, I'd say try Pinkberry, if you're more a creamy ice cream person, stay clear of this place. Those people in LA are weird.

lovehateNYC and Spike Lee

I don't know where this came from, but somehow I channeled my writing muse and my thesis paper turned out fabulous...here's a tidbit about Spike Lee's "Do the Right Thing" that will make you want to rent it again right away...

Spike Lee’s awareness in the issue of love and hate goes beyond his relationship with New York City, for it is a central theme in his third feature film, Do the Right Thing. Too often viewers get caught up in the issues of racism and questions about who did the right thing when discussing this movie, but they fail to even acknowledge the complex underlying theme of the polarity between love and hate. At the start of the film we are introduced to the idea of the balance in opposition when Mister Señor Love Daddy mentions to his radio listeners that he is "doing the yin and the yang." From the very beginning Lee subtly interjects the concept of balance of duality in our lives. What soon follows is the most significant visual pairing of opposites in this film, Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr. (fig. 6)—this ironically foreshadows the ideal resolution to all conflicts in the film.

Smiley says as he holds up this photograph of the pair, "they are dead, but we still have to fight against...upon hate." The events that occur throughout this twenty-four hour period of the film are either motivated towards hate (i.e. the protest against Sal’s, the killing of Radio Raheem, the riot and burning of the pizzeria), or are attempts to turn hate into love (i.e. Da Mayor attempting to warm up to Mother Sister by bringing her flowers, Sal and Jude innocently flirting, Mookie telling Sal to put the bat down). Ultimately the lesson to be learned here is that if we allow hate to take over our lives, no one will ever win because letting hate consume us leads to complete annihilation. Anger built up in the end of the film as Radio Raheem and Sal fought each other, and hate finally plateaued when no one was capable of stopping the NYPD from murdering Radio Raheem. There was an opportunity to prevent hate from taking over, but anger persisted and therefore a snowball effect led to complete destruction. Even at the close of the film Lee wants us to walk away with the comprehension of balance in opposition by presenting us with quotes from both Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X. One must not chose a quote to live by, rather one must see the intelligence in both.

songs of the week

Three songs, and then some, on repeat this week...

Lost Ones by Jay-Z
Wind it Up by Gwen Stefani (hey, I hated this song at first, but you take what you get, and it grows on you)
Thanks to You by the Old Wave
Fix Up by Dizzy Rascal
LDN by Lily Allen
Toxic by the Chapin Sisters
Acid Food by Mogwai

it's wonders what two mini stereo to RCA cables and female adaptor connectors can do with an audio recorder and "non-downloadable" songs from a website. Very Macguyver-esque.

Gwen Dolls and Palindromes, and Gavin's 39th

So Gwen Stefani's Love Angel Music Baby dolls are coming...pre-order them from target or huckleberrytoys.com now or else crazies like me are going to snatch them up like tickle me elmos.

Also watched two must rent netflix films this week.

1. Elephant/Firm by Alan Clarke (who also directed Scum...which is another essential brit tv drama classic). Clarke's Elephant inspired Gus Van Sant's Elephant, in so many ways...dare I even say the long take, observational technique that made Last Days fabulous. Much admiration must be given to Alan Clarke. Another side note, Danny Boyle produced Clarke's Elephant, and there's some great commentary on this dvd given by Boyle. Plus a concept to think about...It's like an elephant in your living room.

2. Palindromes was great. A little strange and bizzare at first, but you get used to the character changes. The Sunshines are hilarious.

And major P.S. it's Gavin Rossdale's 39th birthday today, so have some birthday cake or stick toffee pudding in his honor. (Still looking pretty good for near 40. Can you believe it's been 10-11 years since Sixteen Stone and Tragic Kingdom came out, damn. Gwen Stefani should really go back to No Doubt and stop messing around with her experiments, because she's prone to Fergie and Furtado syndrome (mature ladies tryin' to be skankalicious is not hot))

The Old Wave

Sorry I've been a lot busy lately. But fail you not, I've found another excellent obsession. This Russian band, The Old Wave, is the new Muse mixed in with a little Eugene Hutz. This is where you regret not taking that Russian class in college. I came across them on myspace. I usually ignore trails of desperate self-promotion, but sometimes you come across the little gems in your friend request mailbox that make your day a little brighter.

I don't know how young these guys are (they look a little too young for me to trust)...but it reminds me of first discovering muse in 1999 when matt bellamy was barely manly enough to sport a little goatee.

You can hear some songs on their myspace page here, they've got a song in english called "Pollina's Sky." My new song on repeat is "Thanks to You," Russian never sounded so lovely. Lovely, lovely, очаровательный. Ah.

"You don't fall in love with people that make you wanna crap your pants!"

I love the Gilmore Girls and just when I thought this season was going down the drain...Paris (Geller, not Hilton) says this line...

"Do you see any of my students falling in love with me? No. Cos you wanna know why? You don't fall in love with people that make you wanna crap your pants!"

Sara Cardace is a liar!

If you don't know, I hate it when music journalist don't do their job right. I used to be a music journalist, and I did a damn good job and worked my ass of to get everything perfect and accurate. Even alcohol is not an exceptional excuse for what Sara Cardace at the New York Magazine online has done. See for yourself here.

Her article about Lily Allen's show last night...is not entirely true...in fact there are at least seven valid discrepancies with her article. Either Ms. Cardace has not done her proper research, she was drunk when she wrote the article, or she failed as a journalist by barely managing to tell the majority of events in the exact or even, the acceptable, "slightly tweaked" order in which they occurred. But then again going to a free concert as a journalist is so blissful...it's hard to remember everything, huh?

1. She forgot to mention the B&T crowd, especially the creepy guys in scrappy jeans and t-shirts who charged the stage after the show, pushing innocent petite women, to snatch any paper in sight (even if it was not a set list...say like the champagne glass Lily was drinking out of)...in hopes of getting a piece of Ms. Allen. But this is extra information I'd cut for obvious reasons, but good water-cooler conversation.

2. Your use of "awesome"-ness. Are you at a loss for words? Get a dictionary and a thesaurus. You write for New York Magazine! I don't think awesomeness is exceptional unless you write for Nickelodeon Magazine. And if you had to use "awesomeness" don't hyphenate it and put it all in quotations marks. If you can't use the word properly, don't use it at all.

3. There was no guitarist on stage while Lily performed...were you hallucinating? There was a BASSIST though. I don't even think any of Allen's songs have a guitar in it. Learn your instrument names. There was also a keyboardist/mixer guy onstage too if you didn't notice--he had on a snazzy tie.

4. I don't think I'd call Lily's dress hipster-appropriate. Personally, I think she'd sock you in the head if you told her that. She tends to like to wear a variety of "party" dresses when she performs...at times with trainers (British slang for "sneakers")..but on this occasion she was rockin' some nice off-white heels.

5. Ska-tinged...not the word to describe what you should have called "calypso inspired 'LDN'". Overall I think her songs especially "Knock Em Out" has a dancehall vibe to it more than a ska vibe...especially since ska became way overrated and lost its essence after the 2000 fad.

6. What you call "Window Shop" is actually "Nan You're a Window Shopper"...which is a parody of 50 Cent's "Window Shopper" (really it's wonders what wikipedia can tell you)

7. How the hell did you know that Mark Ronson's nickname is "the Cobra Snake" but you didn't know "Nan You're a Window Shopper"? I think that's a little more important that talking about if his "It Girl" is there.

8. Ronson did not DJ after Lily Allen left the stage...Aaron LaCrate did...and the "Sweet Dreams" beat was played during his first set, not at the end of the show.

9. Why did you not mention Domino at all? They were spectacular! Among other fabulous things.

10. I would have subtly included that the show was slightly short with just seven songs and one encore...but since you like to sugar-coat things and mess them up, then obviously you would overlook it.

11. I wish you had a better image taken of Lily, because that image makes her look pudgey...when she really looked fab!

I wish I had time to write a better formatted letter complaining to New York Magazine online about Ms. Cardace's journalistic problems...but I have better things to do. But maybe I'll take some time off the thesis to do it. Cross your fingers!

Take this as a lesson kiddies, if you want to be a music journalist just because you like watching bands and like to listen to good music...beware...do it right or else I will find your article and tear it shreds...because I was the best of the best...and if I wanted to continue in journalism...it'd be the next Matt Pinfield.

Here's an image of the article..sans Lily's picture and the sad article title of "Lily Allen, Hero at Hiro" (we are not still writing for the highschool newspaper are we?)

Lily Allen at the Hiro Ballroom in NYC Oct.10.

Some musicians are excellent live, and some should really hide behind their records. Never did I anticipate Lily Allen to be a below average live performer.

First of all, while waiting outside Hiro from 6pm...we saw Lily come out for a cig at around 6:30, two photogs were waiting outside for her..then a third one like macgayvered himself out of thin air. Funny thing she told them "don't worry I'm not going to do anything mean." She's classy, not like Avril, ahem. These old ppl came out of a cab...I guess they were staying at the Maritime, and they were staring at her cos they probably didn't know who she was and I guess they were fascinated that photogs were flashing cameras at her like maniacs..and that makes old people's days.

Anyways, the show itself was little dissappointing...her opening band, Domino, who you must check out on myspace Domino were at least 85% more energetic and passionate than Lily last night...maybe she's still jet lagged from Toronto?

Anyways her set list went a little something like this...

Nan You're a Window Shopper
Knock 'Em Out
Littlest Things
Friday Night (this was added by the tech guy minutes before the show)
Everything's Just Wonderful (this was skipped and not played at all)

In all it was like a 45 minute set. I was expecting one or two more songs...especially when I saw "Everything" up on the list, but all she did was play Alfie as an encore, which is one of my least favorites. I would have wanted to hear "cheryl tweedy," "Take what you take," or "Friend of Mine." And something was a little off when she sang "littlest things," her voice during the chorus sounded flat...while the rest of the song sounded right. Maybe bad acoustics in the Hiro?

We did find out that the man she's referring to in "Littlest Things," she is back together with him...and I saw a nice three stone diamond ring on her left ring finger(the engagement finger of the Europeans) so maybe congrats to her on that. I would have taken a picture of that...but you know me when you see "no cameras" directly printed on your ticket, you're expecting bouncers at the door checking your bag...but they did not...fucking A and everyone with their cameras clickin' away. Well I was staying front row and to the center right...so I don't need pictures it was there. I have to say Lily's always stylin' with the right party dress and shoes.

But you know what grinds my gears...insane big fratty looking unattractive men who push you, a polite petite woman, aside to ripe any piece of paper in sight from the stage...just in hopes that they get to take home a set list (and for one guy it wasn't even a set list, I think it was instructions of where the amps should go for packing up). Another dorky one took the champagne glass Lily was drinking from...just cos she touched it and drank from it...dude, you are W-E-R-I-D. If you ask me I'd take a guess they were from the B&T crowd. That is so highschool immature. Grow up. Stop playing the xBox for at a while. Move out of your parents basement. And definitely buy a new wardrobe from the GAP or H&M. Cos there's a reason why you're goals include pushing females just to get a set list. That's rude and uncalled for and you should spend a day in prison getting slapped around as some man's bitch. One girl had the kahones to climb onstage and take a set list from where the keyboards were set up. I wish I had my camera just to take pictures of these monsters. I swear I am tired of this NYC have no shame to savagely do anything to get anything. You do not see that kind of shit going down in Seattle, and honestly I can wait to move. Savages like these make me hate NYC.

The lesson of the day: Listen to Lily Allen in the comfort of your own home...skip her live act...it's almost, disappointing.
5 out of every 10 people you encounter in NYC are savages when it comes to "celebrities" and things they've touched or used. That is so passe.

I felt a real gilmore girl moment there...

Most of you know families are naturally dsyfunctional and emotionally difficult, but mine takes it to another extreme. Especially an unnamed person who has nothing better to do than gosisp and spread nasty false rumors. It's even worse than Paris and Nicole. I swear I wish I was famous just so i could justify why my family life should be talked about by Perez in his blog, right up there with the Spellings, sans the money.

But I truly had a Gilmore Girl moment last night. Had some breakthroughs that were long over due. Things should start getting better now. I just need to permanently eliminate the negative forces(nasty gossipers) from my life now, cos it's just too much of a waste of time and energy! I mean what kind of family member gossips about you behind your back? Understandly a frenemy, but, not a family member! I feel really sorry for you, cos you obviously need help, but if you let this keep going, you are going to be the most unhappiest, miserable, depressed, lonley person in the world.

And my new theme song is "take what you take" by lily allen, which ironically was used in an american eagle outfitters commercial seen during the Gilmore Girls hour on Tuesday night. Lily Allen, once again, you have saved the day.

Two wrongs don't make a right...
What the f*ck do you know,
just cos you're old, you think you're wise?
But who the hell are you though,
I didn't even ask for your advice
You wanna keep your mouth shut,
You wanna take your thoughts elsewhere,
Cos you're doing in my nut,
And do you think I care?

Say what you say,
Do what you do
Feel what you feel,
As long as it's real.
I said take what you take
And give what you give
Just be what you want,
Just as long as it's real.

You can't do that on television

I love youtube.com just a little more after the discovery that there are a lot of full episodes of YCDTOTV. For those of you who don't remember, have blocked it out of your memory, or were too young to watch/or remember watching this lovely Canadian kids show, which was shown on nickelodeon...YCDTOTV was like SNL for kids...before All That existed--YCDTOTV was way better than All That, plus a bag of chips, for the following reasons...

-the locker jokes...as corny as they were at times, telling jokes out of a locker was classic
-the introduction to the opposites
-the opposites
-never having liver and lima beans, but being so terrified of it thanks to the mother
-the mother looking very scary with her red curly hair, and yellow rubber gloves
-the dad that looked like a homeless man bum who hasn't showered in months
-barf, the cook
-a young Alanis Morrissette
-probably the first crushes of my life as a five year old, Adam and Alisdar
-the canadian accents
-the birth of green slime

New Season of Degrassi

First big disappointment...the new intro, wtf! I was very, very upset that they had the balls to change it completely into some crappy after effect fiasco. It was so 2001. And what's up with all the girls showing cleavage in that intro? The show is a success as it is, extra boobage is not necessary, but rather frivolous.

Why did Sean have to come back? And why didn't he have the decency to visit Ellie first. Hello, he just bailed on her when decided to stay with his parents for a while. Screw Emma, Ellie is way hotter in a non-slutty way. Though I still have my reservations against Stacie Farber...because of a horrorific nightmare that my husband took her on a date and left me to stay home...but that's a whole nother psychological tangent we can't get into right now. It's my new love-hate relationship with ellie nash/stacie farber.

Anyway, what's up with Manny's hair? What is she like hipster-edge? Well it's about time, cos last season her hair was just a mess. Is it me or does Paige seem like the only female character who hasn't drastically changed in the looks department? You think she should try something new. Glad to see Ashley with straightened hair again, but i have a bad feeling her bad perm is coming back with a vengeance.

Has Jay graduated? Or is he permanently a high-school dropout?

Love that Peter is a "privileged" sissy boy who resorts to blackmail to get his way. If he had a parrot, I'd say he's the neue Calvin from Ghostwriter.

What's up with Sean thinking drag racing Peter will get back at him and solve everything? That's a bad judgment you'd come to expect from the old skool black skullcap Sean, but not revamped pumped up pretty boy Sean. Hello, if they weren't getting ticketed by the cops right away, or crashing the car and blowing up in a firey inferno, its was going to be a hit and run. And since when has Mr. Simpson been so happy to see Sean? I know he forgave him and such for stealing his computer, and had sympathy when the school shooting happening, but I think he'd be a little hesitant about his behavior after Sean's hit and run. Oh, and so looking forward to the explanation of why Sean gets bruised in jail/prison. Can we saw pretty boy gets his a$$ whipped?

Emmy is a major skank. When did Manny turn into the voice of reason? Was it the abortion that woke her up? Kudos Miss Santos. Also very disappointed there will be no Craig Manny this season :( We want more bi-polars.

I'm also anticipating the office fling between Ellie and the editor of the paper. Good choice Ellie, you have improved your taste in men.

But major gripe number two, when is Toby getting his air time? He better has some major drama coming his way, like hooking up with Liberty and getting her pregnant, but keeping the baby. Or Kendra turning into a sexpot and him having to deal with helping her with a drug habit, or Toby joining the army. Give him something, come on, he's sad, short and lonely.

Yes, "it goes there," in hilarious ways.

New season of the girlmore girls!!!

A little dissappointing. Is it because Team Palladino is gone? Maybe. I think the Gilmore Girls has lost a little edge and wit. It's just not quite the same.

Why were Sookie and Michel arm wrestling in the kitchen in the first place? I know they had to get from A(arm wrestling) to E(an excuse to play racquet ball) but come on, it's thin strings.

I am glad they included my favorite la-la song while Lorelai threw her Luke comforter and pillows on the floor.
Also loved the whole rocket, twilight zone, true love thing, I wish someone would give me a rocket.
And very classic-esque scene of the girls playing raquetball without actually playing.
Also love the reference to the "prodigal daugther returns"...I was hoping they were going to reference "Just like Gavin and Gwen"...but that's just me being me.

Speaking of Gwen...what the hell is she wearing in this photo, I am shocked and dissappointed that Gwen thinks this 80s crazy ensemeble will pass as fashion in 2006. I know that can't be Yohji Yamamoto. Shame on you Gwen! (Thank you imnotobsessed.com for the images.)

Lily Allen...where's your tickets?

I got my Lily Allen tickets! A sigh of relief! It's fabulous being over 21...sorry kiddies but I am holding very little sympathy when it comes to this show at the Hiro Ballroom. And in the words of Monique from Save Ferris..."sucks to be under 21." It's 32 days in counting til the fun begins!

poles in the subway/PATH train

Have you ever held on to a railing/pole while in a crowded subway car and had someone's hand slip down and touch your hand. Weren't you so pissed? Or disgusted? I think it's an invasion of personal space.

It's usually those rude people who are reading and don't notice their hand is slipping down the pole and touching your hand. Gross. How would they like it if I dipped my hand in a garbage can or coated it with e coli and slipped my hand down the pole and fell on top of theirs! Hmm.

If you know people like this, please inform them of the personal space invasion and to learn some courtesy manners.

Ash Wentzday, DUI, and Chris Klein's eyes

Sorry but I've got some major celebrity gossip gripes...and it's always problems with the blondes...well and then a Cruise.

1. Ashlee Simpson dumped her band guitarist, Braxton Olita. Not that I would normally care, but he's a Hawaiian homegrown...and that's just uncool! She had it made in the sun with that boy. And the nerve of the girl because she went straight to Fall Out Boy media whore Pete Wentz. WTF?!? And Pete Wentz dumped Michelle Trachtenberg at the drop of the hat when he found out Ashlee left Braxton. WTFF??! I hope Braxton and Michelle get together, fall in love, get married on the beach in Hawaii and send a Christmas card to Ash Wentzday(brilliant name by Perez) with their wedding photo attached.

2. Paris Hilton. If I got stopped by the cops and told them I was busy the past two days working very hard and didn't have a chance to eat all day, that's why I may seem a smidge tipsy, and that I was slightly speeding to get to a restaurant ASAP..I'm sure they'd let me off with a warning and no charge. So it's perfectly normal that the police probably won't charge her and crazies like her will continue to be anorexic, drink like a sailor and maybe next time hit a child on a bike without getting anything more than another warning.

3. Suri Cruise...have you seen her daddy lately, Chris Klein? That's right this conspiracy theory is just as good as the Courtney Love's responsibility for Kurt Cobain's death. Slanted eyes! Not unless Tom's had plastic surgery...those slanted eyes did not come from him or Katie. Suri is Chris Klein's baby. Katie found out she was pregs with Klein's baby after they broke up...Tom Cruise moved in on the opportunity...proposed ASAP so they could cleverly plan out the stalling of the birth. There is no official proof of when Suri was born. We didn't see Suri for months, until now, and she looks like she's much older than claimed. The Vanity Fair cover took 21 days to shoot and 2 days of retouching...because they had to get rid of more Chris Klein features, which they didn't want to reveal.

I'm not hating on Suri Cruise, or Tom (cos that's a whole 'nother conversation), nor Katie for "loving" Tom (yet another long tangent)...but I'm just fed up with the suspicious behavior surrounding the start of their relationship, and the baby secrecy...you give a little in the beginning and you will not be hassled...look at Brad and Angelina or Gwen and Gavin...they gave a little, and they aren't being hounded or accused of being liars. Common sense kids, common sense.

Cape May/Wildwood, NJ

So we went to Cape May, NJ this weekend for a little R&R. And I've got some recommendations if you're in the Cape May/Wildwood area.

1. If you want to see Drew Barrymore's doppelgänger, circa the young hooligan years, drive down the Rio Grande street past the Starlux hotel(taking the picture below made me miss taking a picture of this 10 year old smoker)...you can see her hanging outside of the Subway or the house next door. Twice, on separate occasions, I saw this young drew Barrymore look alike lighting up a cigarette like a pro and spinning a cig around her finger.

2. Do the Original Haunted Cape May Tour because it is so kick @$$! It's all researched real life ghost phenomena...not folklore, legend, rumor, man jumping out of bushes with a halloween mask kind of stuff. Why do people get a kick out of hearing stories about deaths and ghosts haunting their death spot, or ghosts jealous of the living? I don't know, but it's cool. We thought we could see a figure in the window. It gets creepy if you stare at it too long.

3. I do not have a hotel recommendation because I didn't not like staying at the Cliveden Inn Bed & Breakfast (I don't like old antique-ish things, they feel dirty to me, no matter how many times you wash..even the wallpaper made me feel dirty)...but if you plan on staying in Wildwood...kitchy 50s & 60s styled hotels are the way to go....

4. Do not try the Black Duck on Sunset Restaurant in West Cape May...it is very overrated. If you think the food here is fabulous...obviously you've never eaten well in NYC.

5. If you love mini golf as much as me...do not play mini golf in Cape May, esp. at the Stockton Gold at 801 Beach Ave...it's a $14 rip off. Instead go to Shipwreck Island Adventure Golf at 5000 Park Blvd in Wildwood. it looks much better and it's probably worth whatever the cost.

more doodles

Here are more funny doodles from when I worked at Strasberg to make ya laugh.


Although the rumors about Gwen Stefani boycotting the VMA this year are apparently false...I still boycotted watching them live last night, just to support Gwen in rumor spirit. So Instead of supporting MTV with ratings on the spot I took advantage of their long overdue MTV Overdrive: Video on Demand...which finally works on Macs and in Firefox. Woohoo. It's the future of television...watch what you want, when you want...get with the program people. God I sound like a cheesy promoter. But honestly, broadcast television is so passe.

First of all Kelly Clarkson took home the Best Female video award, again. The f@cking nerve! Up against Nelly Furtado, Shakira, Madge and Christina...I loved all those videos(well not exactly Nelly Furtado's cos I don't like her sluttying it up...but that's a whole 'nother side conversation) esp. Shakira's because it was directed by Sophie Muller, the greatest female music video director of all time, and her portrayal of females amazing and righteous. Not to mention, I love Christina's new sound and old fashion glam and Hung Up was a long over due anthem by Madonna. Kelly Clarkson is now on the top of my sh#t list. And i'm not even going to put a picture up for her.

Justin Timberlake can dance...Britney you should feel very unlucky right now because you wound up with a white cracker crapper for a dancer, singer, and soon to be attempted actor. Was so glad Beyonce performed "Ring the Alarm," write that down James Montgomery(He wrote an article summary about the VMAs on the MTV site), "Ring the Alarm" not "Sound the Alarm." If I worked for MTV as a writer, I would not make such a mistake....get it right the first time. Note to Beyonce, totally supporting your anger here if Rihanna is getting all over your man..but there is a fine line between graceful jealousy(ie Gwen Stefani & Madonna) and insane jealousy(ie "I hate you so much right now" Kelis)so just watch yourself. Find a Carrie Bradshaw middle ground. We're all rooting for you. Especially when it comes to younger thinner little b@tchs moving in on your territory. Watch some Sex and the City and do some pilates.

P.S. Gideon Yago is so overrated now...I was surprised to see him still with MTV. Kurt Loder and Matt Pinfield are 10 times the music man you are. I'm glad I got over that obsession...I will post those old skool photos I took of him during our two choice encounters in a later post.

Lily Allen performing at Hiro Ballroom 10/10

Ok, I wanted to have a heart attack when I heard that Lily Allen was coming to NYC. But I'll for sure be having a heart attack if i can't get tickets. I will do a flash web page for free if someone could get me a ticket. Cos it's Lily frickin' Allen! Even if I have class, i'm skipping it for Lily frickin' Allen. I need to see her before she gets massive in the US, or else I'll just complain about it like when it happened to Muse. Now who wants to go with me?


So apparently I'm not very good at giving a pitch for an internship. If anyone has had success at getting any internship, please let me know what I'm doing wrong. I've taken numerous approaches, but gotten nada. I did get a position offered to me four years ago, when I had absolutely no experience what-so-ever. That doesn't quite make sense to me to get a internship when you have no experience, but now that I have more experience in two different fields, I get lies and and awkward "sorry, we're fully staffed" emails. This is getting very depressing.

Elevator courtesy and deodorant

Many people don't have common courtesy especially on elevators in my building. So if you take the elevator which services over 38 floors...please follow these rules

1. if you are taking it up or down 2-3 floors...you should really use stairs, definitely if there are two or more people in the elevator.
2. If you are pregnant, with children, eldery, have a cane or gout, you are allowed to break rule #1. But if you are a seemingly normal person, stop being lazy and take the stairs! You could use a little exercise anyway!
3.If you don't know where the stairs are(especially the stairs that go all the way down to the 1st floor), ask, because one day there will be a fire and you will die!

Also a helpful hygiene suggestion to all...if you do not wear deodorant/anti-perspirant, esp. during the summer months...start using some. You do smell, and we all smell it, and it smells nasty! If you can't afford deodorant, rubbing baking soda under the arm pits also works. Feel free to tell your friends or buy them deodorant as an early/later birthday gift.

Clooney and Crow

Know who should get together and have babies? George Clooney and Sheryl Crow! Hello! How come that hasn't been set up yet?

Clooney definately wants kids since he's feeling left out of the Father's Club on the Oceans 13 set, and Crow obviously wants kids of her own since Armstrong couldn't provide that for her (in more ways than one, I think). Plus they're goregous on their own, and should be even more goregous together. And both seem pretty liberal and seem to share the same mindset, what's not so perfect?

Start sharing this much needed hookup suggestion with everyone you know and hopefully when it happens we can all say, she told you so(she being me).

Sushi in NYC

My favorite sushi place in NYC has closed. If you loved Sogo in Soho (on West Broadway and Grand St)...it's closed forever! No more fresh sushi for a price that will not cost you arm and a leg. Where shall I go to satisfy my raw fish cravings? Damn you Genki Sushi for not being as good here as it is back home. If anybody knows a great sushi place with a conveyer belt or just a good place in general let me know.

I hate you song, Tom Delonge goes crazy, and I really hate L.A.M.B. clothes

For those of you know have no clue because you could careless, Blink 182 has broken up, a long time ago. I don't believe they are on "indefinite hiatus." Tom quit Blink, he said, because he was tired and needed a break, but it was probably more because he was sick of being a sidekick, and he wanted to be the center of attention.

I admit he can hold a tune with Angels & Airwaves, his new band, but Mark and Travis's new creation, +44 (lovely London reference greatly appreciated), seem a little more organic and real...maybe because they didn't get a holy gothic, "i think i'm matthew barney by making these short films" makeover. Admit it Tom, you're just a sellout whore. It's not a crime, but stop selling more crappy shoes named after your daughter. Gwen's not calling her baby company Kingston Wear.

Sidetracking a bit. I have to say what we've all been thinking about Gwen Stefani and L.A.M.B ...why is the L.A.M.B. line so hideous? I don't want to look like some rasta-tramp or a cholo trackstar. This sweater looks like it was spray painted in someone's garage! You're very stylish and breathtaking in most of your outfits, especially as a pregnant woman, but why not make a clothing line more in tune with your fabulous fashion sense? I guess you don't want anyone else looking as good as you do, huh?

Anyway, the reason for writing this entry was because of the best new "i hate you, you b@stard/b!tch" song ever has been released on LP by +44, Mark Hoppus and Travis Barker's new band, and it's called "No It Isn't"
check it out here http://www.plus-44.com/

"Please understand
This isn't just goodbye
This is I cant stand you"

It doesn't get any better than that. I dedicate this to all my former frenemies.

I also wanted to show this ridiculous cover with Tom...uh, angel wings, that's so 1997, Nigel Pulsford of Bush did that during the "greedy fly" video shoot. P.S. Tom DeLonge, you need a serious reality check.